In THE THREE NAKED LADIES OF CLIFFPORT we encounter three single mothers of three bastard children from three generations, all with vital connections to Cliffport, California, a ghost town located where sea meets land on Santa Cruz County’s northern coast.
In 1959, Kaitlin Lowrie leaves home to test her mettle in the professional folk singing/songwriting scene taking shape in New York and Boston. Or is she secretly—even to herself— abandoning her 4-year-old son to his “Gran’ma” forever? Bruised and shaken by her experiences back East, Katie finally resettles with her mother and her son in Cliffport, the only household hanging on in the all-but-forgotten locale.
But in 1965 the long-absentee landowner, Jan McLoughlin, shows up with the intention of selling the place, and Elisabeth Lowrie despairs of being evicted from the sanctuary she has created for her daughter, her grandson, and herself. It falls to the feisty Lowrie daughter to span the chasm between the two older women: Katie dreams then schemes how to stay living on the land. •
In their letters, phone calls, diaries, and conversations, we hear the distinct yet disparate voices of these three strong-willed women—each tough on the outside and sensitive within—as they come to terms with one another and themselves.
Sample pages: Bookend I • Map & Table of Contents Book One • Chapter 4 - Book One • Map & Table of Contents Book Two • Chapter Two - Book Two
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